Hack Your Bureaucracy
with Marina Nitze

Date published: 12/22/2022
Marina Nitze, Partner @ Layer Aleph, Former Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Book: https://www.hackyourbureaucracy.com
Online: https://www.marinanitze.com

In this episode Steve has a conversation with Marina about political capital (what it is and how to get it), tackling big challenges, navigating organizational dynamics, inclusive innovation, hacking bureaucracy, and her affection for dry-erase boards.

About Marina

Marina is author of Hack Your Bureaucracy, and a partner at Layer Aleph, a crisis response firm that specializes in restoring complex software systems to service. Marina is also a fellow at New America’s New Practice Lab, where she works on improving America’s foster care system. She was previously the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2013-2017), helped found the United States Digital Service, and served as a Senior Advisor on technology in the White House under the Obama Administration.

Production, Editing, and Sound Design: Brad Parsons

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